Tag: total knee replacement surgery in Delhi

All You Need To Know About Total Knee Replacement Surgery

The total knee surgery will be the last resort for the patient who hardly gets relief in knee pain despite having conventional medical treatment or therapy. Until it is not essential the doctor avoids to do total knee replacement surgery in Delhi. The ultimate goal of this surgery is to provide immediate relief from the knee pain that is hampering the mobility and flexibility of the patient as well as prevent them from doing any day to day activity. Through this surgery, the surgeon increases knee function by resurfacing the bone that meets at the knee joint.

Introduction to knee replacement surgery

Total knee replacement surgery is known as knee arthroplasty or knee surgery. It is a surgical procedure that is performed by a professional expert and experienced orthopedic surgeon. The surgery is performed to resurface the knee damaged by arthritis. Metal and plastic parts are used to cap the ends of the bones that form the knee joint, along with the kneecap. This surgery can be considered suitable or appropriate for those who have a severe knee injury or severe arthritis and the patient is suffering from debilitating pain.

Why do you need knee replacement surgery?

Knee arthroplasty becomes imperative when there are incessant pain and disability in the knee. The most common reason for knee arthroplasty is osteoarthritis. It is the condition in which there is a breakdown of joint cartilage. When the cartilage gets damaged it confines movement and may cause mild to severe pain even while you are resting. Patients with chronic or severe degenerative joint disease usually feel the inability to perform activities such as bending at the knee, climbing on stairs, walking and so on.

What happens during the surgery?

The surgery requires a hospital stay and it is conducted under the influence of general anesthesia.

The surgeon makes an incision in the knee area. After this, the surgeon removes the impaired cartilage of the knee joint and replaces it with the prosthesis. The prosthesis is made of metal and plastic. The most common type of prosthesis is a cemented prosthesis. This cemented prosthesis is attached to the bone with the help of surgical cement. The prosthesis contains three major components such as the tibial, the femoral and the patellar.

Once the knee joint is resurfaced with the prosthesis, the incision is closed with the help of stitches and surgical staples. The doctor may also place a drain in the incision to remove the fluid. Finally, the sterile bandage or dressing will be applied to the operated area.

Risks and complications of knee replacement surgery

As it is with any surgical procedure, there can be some risks and complications associated with the total knee replacement surgery in Delhi. It may include as such below:

  • Infection

  • Bleeding

  • Fracture

  • A blood clot in the legs or lungs

  • Pain or stiffness

  • Loosening of the prosthesis

  • Wearing out of the prosthesis

Although, these complications are not very common, nevertheless, you can discuss with the surgeon how to avoid any post-surgery complication. Moreover, you should not ignore if any complication occurs and consult the doctor immediately.

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